Another Successful CrabFeed 2021

We host a yearly crab feed to benefit the Sentinels of Freedom. They are an amazing group that helps severely wounded, post-9/11 veterans transition from military to civilian living.

Another successful fundraiser

Our team worked our crab claws off to bring the 4th annual Crab Feed to Benefit the Sentinels of Freedom in Lafayette again this year. We had over 50 volunteers serving hundreds of pounds of crab, pastas, breads, desserts, and of course tasty beverages! Our fundraiser could not be possible without each of you. A […]

We joined the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce!

AB Construction is proud to join the City of Lafayette Chamber of Commerce!  It’s even better than getting a key to the city – it’s helping make the keys to the city and giving them out to the deserving, hard-working community businesses and organizations. We were officially welcomed to the organization on March 9th, 2015. […]